
About Us

Here at Encounter Church it is our desire that everyone who walks in our doors has a life changing encounter with God. At the heart of our mission is the commitment to be a church that is actively loving God and loving people. As we obey the commands of Jesus, our prayer is that our church is a place where each person can encounter hope, encounter love and encounter God. Whether it is in Kid’s Church or Sunday Service we teach that through Jesus Christ a person can have a life changing experience and find eternal life through Jesus Christ.
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Matt Gilkerson
Lead Pastor

Jo Starkey
Children Ministries 

Bill Whitton
Worship Leader
Sarah Spiegel
Outreach Coordinator


Nursery is available for children five weeks through two years old during Encounter Church services.
Encounter Church kid’s classes are available for children two years old through fifth grade. They meet Sunday mornings after the music part of service and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm
The Youth at Encounter Church meet every Wednesday night at 6:30 pm and are broken up into Jr. and Sr. High. It is a great time for youth to fellowship and dive into God’s word.
Connection classes meet every Wednesday night at 6:30pm.  Classes are available for all age groups. Join us as we dig deeper into God’s word.

 Service Times

Join us Sunday mornings at 10:00 am for worship.
Wednesday at 6:30 pm for Connection Classes for all ages.
1008 Hyland Ave.
Kaukauna Wi, 54130

Phone: 920-766-5270
 At Encounter Church we believe the giving is another form of worship and a way for you to help support our ministries.



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